Children's Ministry

We believe Children matter! We want to speak the truth into their lives, and teach them to accept, believe, know the Gospel truth, and to share their faith by telling others about Christ. We have two main things we teach:

Children need to hear about Jesus and have the opportunity to respond to him personally.

Boys and girls learn Bible skills so they are able to feed themselves spiritually as they mature.   

To keep all of our children (birth – 6th grade) safe, there is a check-in/check-out procedure for all children.  Children are provided an ID to wear, and the adult is given a matching ID to present when he/she returns to pick up the child.

We do Sunday School, Children in Action, Kid’s Worship, summer camp, E-Kids, and other activities throughout the year that provide opportunities for our children to grow in awareness and faith in Christ.

Kid’s Worship is held for all children 1st-6th grade on the following:

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sundays.  Children will first join the entire church fellowship for an opening song, prayer, and announcements.  After the announcements, the children will be dismissed to Kid’s Worship.    

The 4th Sunday of the month, children will remain in the auditorium with the entire church fellowship. However, during this worship time, there is set aside a special kid’s moment in which a Biblical truth is presented to the children of the church.