I'm New

Thank you for taking time to visit us on-line. We trust you'll find what you are looking for on our website. In addition to visiting our website, we would like to extend to you an invitation to worship with us, and experience first hand our Worship Services, Bible Study classes or any of our ministry activities.

What should I wear?

At Richland Hills Baptist you will see everything from Suits, Dresses, Business Casual and Jeans. Come as you are! For reference, our pastor normally wears slacks and a button-down shirt.

Where should I enter the church?

If it is your first Sunday, we suggest you park in the back of the church and you enter through the doors at the top of the ramp. There will be greeters there to guide you.

What if I have Children?

If your children are between nursery age and kindergarten, they may go directly to our preschool area. We have caring adults who will care for your children at this time. For children in 1st – 6th grade, we have children’s church on the first, second, and third Sunday of the month. They will come to the main service and leave after the welcome time. On the fourth Sunday of the month, your child will stay in the worship service with you. However, if you have a baby or child that would like to stay in the service with you, that is fine as well!

Do you have safety procedures for children?

Yes! When you drop off your child, you will receive a badge and your child will receive a badge, after filling out a registration form. When you go to pick-up your child you must have your badge. Also, we have a volunteer security team that will walk through the building to be sure that all areas are secure. All volunteers go through a background check process.

How do you keep the church Secure?

As mentioned above, we do have a volunteer security team that walks through the building during our services to keep everything secure. All exterior doors are locked at 10:45 am on Sunday Morning.